June 07, 2003

Birthday Fun

I am so, so tired. Birthday celebrations exhaust me!

Yesterday morning, we began the celebrations by going out to breakfast. We left the house around 7:15. Then I went and got groceries and other assorted stuff for the party, and spent the day piddling around and getting everything ready.

The menu included:
Fruit salad
Fresh veggies
Koolaid-sprite punch
Soft breadsticks (originally going to be pretzels, but the dough was like a rubber band and wouldn't bend and stretch the way I wanted it to!)
(Root beer floats were also planned, but those didn't turn out to be needed.)
Scrambled Eggs
Orange Juice

The downside of this menu was that last night, as I was cooking pizzas and cookies and breadsticks, the oven was on for a long time, and with the temperature at 90, it really wasn't a day that I wanted the oven to be on at all.

I picked the girls up at school, and we did a couple of errands, including getting slurpees. We weren't the only people who wanted slurpees, and there was quite a line for them!

When we got home, Abby opened her presents. She was happy with the shoes I got for her. I wasn't sure, because she wanted disco shoes, and disco shoes seemed to mean silver shoes, but I couldn't find any, so I got ridiculously high-heeled sandals:

Some other birthday outfits:

And Katrina in a new outfit:

After present opening, we launched into party preparation. I hadn't been working at anything very quickly during the day, so there was still quite a bit to do. By 6:30, everyone had arrived, made their pizza, and was outside playing in the water. Water balloon fights:

After water play, we had dinner, then dessert. It was about 8ish, and they decided to play spoons, then they watched a movie and I brought out the snacks, and went into my room to watch tv in there.

Somewhere along the way, Abby got a bad headache, which she tends to get when she gets overheated, and then someone saw a "tall shadow" outside, and was convinced it was a person walking around in the backyard. They shut all the doors and closed all the curtains and clutched each other and screamed a lot.

I put in "Bringing up Baby", which I thought should not be scary at all, and that helped a bit. Abby's tylonel kicked in, and she had some juice and started feeling better. Then they decided that they wanted to play salon, so there was a lot of nail painting and hair fixing and all sorts of stuff going on.

Around midnight, I announced bedtime, but it took us a while to actually get to where everyone was asleep. Finally, I went to bed at 1:30, and they woke up at 7am.

We had breakfast, then they did a dance contest, where they were rating each others dancing, and by 9ish everyone was changing into swimsuits for more outdoor play. That lasted until everyone was picked up.

It's now quiet, and I'm exhausted! Everyone had fun, I think, and no one was injured, so overall it was a successful party!

Posted by Rachel at June 7, 2003 10:47 AM

Good Day. I don't own a cell phone or a pager. I just hang around everyone I know, all the time. If someone wants to get a hold of me, they just say 'Mitch,' and I say 'what?' and turn my head slightly. Help me! Could you help me find sites on the: Tanning beds damage. I found only this - Tanning bed arsenic. But before they get a chance to buy into it, shari croy has a I started out tanning every day. I knew either topher or adam would post first on this one. Thanks ;-). Verne from Darussalam.

Posted by: Verne at August 18, 2009 04:04 AM
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