August 17, 2003

Leavenworth/Monroe Pictures

Yes, these are two weeks old, but they are still doing better than my Texas pictures, which are languishing somewhere on my hard drive.

I didn't actually get out my camera on our weekend trip to see Oliver until we were checked out of the motel and on our way home. I still managed to take almost 70 pictures, though!

On a trail somewhere along highway 2.

Look Mom, no hands!

All the rest of the Leavenworth pictures.

Great-grandma Thompson's house in downtown Monroe. (I was apparently 'very determined' to find this. And we did!)

Great-grandpa Gerber's house outside of Monroe.

We got the full tour of the inside of this house, which was so fabulous. I took lots of pictures, and they are all available here.

The weekend was very fun. We saw Oliver in Leavenworth at an outdoor theater, which was really good. I remembered all the songs, and they were all very well done. We also got to walk around downtown Leavenworth, buy chocolate, and swim in the motel swimming pool, which felt great, as it was SO hot!

The drive over and back was nice too, with lots of trees, and cute little shops that we stopped in. My favorite was the rock store near Shelton (???). They had so much cool stuff there. I'm not a huge fan of the stores in Leavenworth, as they are mostly filled with generic touristy stuff. The rock store, however, had very neat bowls, especially. I almost bought a couple, but then remembered that I was still neck-high in boxes at home.

My other almost-purchase was the 5-volume set of Washington history that was published around 1909, and was for sale at the fruit stand for $12 a volume. I so wanted it, but managed (just barely!) to pass it up. I probably would have bought it if the lady I was asking about it would have been more helpful and encouraging, but she sort of brushed me off, so that made it easier to take my apricots and head for home!

Posted by Rachel at August 17, 2003 04:18 PM
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