April 02, 2004

Growing Up

Last week I went to an assembly at the girls' school, led by the 4th grade. Katrina had a couple of speaking parts, which she did very nicely, and she played the recorder and the xylophone as well.

When I was sitting and watching all of the kids file in, the kindergarteners came in first, and I could hardly believe how tiny and young they looked. The first graders didn't look a whole lot older.

I can remember when the girls were that small, and I'd see the 5th and 6th graders and they'd look so old and so grown up. It's hard to believe that the girls are now the ones looking old and grown up, while the 1st graders look so tiny.

I found some older pictures of them, when they were smaller, and added them to the picture page: here. They were so adorable!


In other news, I turned in my MBA application yesterday, a whole eight hours before the deadline, then promptly celebrated by getting sick. I planned on staying home from work today and just dialing in on my laptop, but when I went to dial in, the modem on my laptop had mysteriously quit working, even though it was working just fine the night before.

I dragged my miserable self into work and gave my laptop to the people who fix those kinds of things, and got a whole new laptop, with my hard drive neatly popped out and placed in the new laptop. Then I left work and was paged before I was even on the freeway.

After I got home and solved the problem, I fell asleep to Without A Trace for the second time. It was me, really -- this wasn't a particularly boring epsiode, even though it did put me to sleep promptly twice.

I think right now Tivo is recording a Law & Order: CI episode that I haven't seen, so I'm planning on falling asleep to that shortly. Nothing puts me to sleep like Law & Order.

Posted by Rachel at April 2, 2004 10:39 PM
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