November 17, 2003

Fake Minestrone

I made this up the other day, when I was shopping at Trader Joe's and wanted to be able to make something I could eat for the rest of the week. What I was not expecting is that Abby would eat any of it, (it had corn in it) but she did!

1 onion
3 cloves garlic
1 package of shredded carrots
1 bag pre-cubed winter squash
2 big cans of tomatoes
1 bag frozen corn
A handful of fresh basil
A half-cup or so of white wine
1 Tablespoon oregano
Salt and pepper to taste
Red pepper flakes to taste (If you like things spicy -- otherwise, leave these out.)

Smash garlic and throw in a big pot over medium, along with some olive oil.
Cut up onion and throw in pot
Add carrots to pot, too.
Let the vegetables cook a bit and if necessary, cut up the squash pieces into smaller pieces.
Throw the squash pieces in the soup too.
Let everything cook for a few minutes.
Tear or chop up the basil.
Add in the rest of your ingredients - the two cans of tomatoes, the corn, the basil, and all the seasonings.
Let everything cook until the squash is cooked through.

It makes a huge pot, and takes very little time to put everything together. I highly recommend it!

Posted by Rachel at November 17, 2003 04:23 PM
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