November 17, 2003

Random Thoughts

also known as, things that happen when I don't pay enough attention

I had to laugh at myself when I was driving up to Arlington on Saturday, and was going to be smart and take highway 9 up to where I could sneak across to I-5 and be just past Everett, like I did the last time. I like doing this better, because I usually need coffee before I go for a drive, and I always get coffee right where what used to be highway 9 intersects with Redmond, so it feels really out of my way to drive all the way over to 405 and go from there.

So, as I'm trying to get to Arlington, the birthplace of my paternal grandmother, I am daydreaming and feeling far too sure of myself as far as directions go, and I see a highway sign, so I follow it. Instead of proceeding to Arlington, I end up heading towards Monroe, the birthplace of my maternal grandmother. I got turned around, but I did feel a bit silly.

Note to self: If you're not going to check the weather report, at least look out the window. Twice in the last two days I have found myself dressed inappropriately for the weather.

Sunday, I was lounging about in shorts and a sweatshirt, procrastinating as far as cleaning house or getting ready for the girl scouts to come, and decided I needed to go get coffee and do my other errands. I grabbed my purse, slipped on my sandals, and jetted out the door. So spontaneous, I was. It was, of course, pouring down rain. I shrugged and carried on with my plans. It was a bit damp, and a bit cold, and I did end up stopping at Safeway, then getting back in my car and driving down to the Starbucks which was only halfway down the parking lot.

Tonight, as I was walking back to work from my car, I was surprised to find that it was raining, and as I had had a moderate-to-severe clothes trauma this morning, I had only managed to leave the house wearing jeans and a shirt, and no jacket. (Trust me, it was an effort to find a pair of pants and a shirt, a jacket was just asking too much.)

Apparently it's going to be raining quite a bit in the next few days. I'll try to wear a jacket when I go to work tomorrow.

Another thing that happened when I wasn't paying attention is I got all wimpy. I led the girl scouts in about 10 minutes of yoga yesterday, and was then surprised to find that pretty much every single muscle in my body was sore today. Apparently I need to do that more often.

Or less often. I haven't decided which!

Posted by Rachel at November 17, 2003 08:33 PM
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